Moving Mom + Dad in vs. assisted living


A Dadu is a small home built on the property of another house, while an ADU (accessory dwelling unit) is a separate building that's attached to your main home. Both are popular options for aging in place and can be used as guest houses or even rental properties.

These types of additions offer many benefits including:

Accessibility: A Dadu/ADU allows you to move your grandparents closer to you so they are easier to care for when needed. This can be especially helpful if they have mobility issues or need help with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and cooking meals.

Privacy: Adding an extra space will give them their own private space where they can enjoy time alone without feeling like they're intruding on your or anyone else's privacy. This also means that no one has to worry about making sure everyone gets along all the time--you can just relax knowing that everyone has their own space!

Financial Benefits

  • Tax deductions

  • Cost savings

  • Long-term financial stability

Emotional Benefits

Closeness to family. When you live in a dadu next door, you're close enough that your grandparent can come over and visit whenever they want. This means that they don't have to travel far if they want to see their grandchildren or help out with babysitting duties when needed.

Increased quality of life. A dadu is an affordable way for seniors who may not be able to afford their own home anymore but still want their independence and privacy--and it's also convenient because it allows them access right outside their front door! Plus, having another person around gives them someone else who understands what it's like being older than most people around you (and what kinds of things might make life easier).

Sense of security: Dadus are safe places for seniors because there aren't many stairs involved in getting into one; plus there aren't any windows where someone could break into one either!

Health Benefits

Access to medical care: If your grandparent is living in their own house, they may not be able to get to the doctor as easily. If they're moving into your dadu or ADU, you'll have easier access to medical professionals who can help them with any issues that arise.

Increased physical activity: Moving into a smaller space can be good for older people because it encourages them to move around more often. This can improve their overall health and well-being while also reducing the risk of falls or injury due to decreased mobility later on in life (which is common among seniors).

Improved mental health: Living alone can sometimes lead people down dark paths--but being around family members who love them will ensure that this doesn't happen!

Social Benefits

Intergenerational relationships. Grandparents are often a source of wisdom, and they can pass on that knowledge to their grandchildren by teaching them about gardening or cooking.

Increased sense of community. Having grandparents living in the same neighborhood as their children and grandchildren can help create a sense of community among multiple generations, which can lead to stronger family bonds overall.

Shared responsibilities. If you have an ADU on your property, you may find yourself sharing some household tasks with your parents--for example, if they need help caring for themselves or doing chores around the house (such as cleaning).

Environmental Benefits

  • Reduced carbon footprint

  • Reduced energy consumption

  • More efficient use of resources

Aesthetic Benefits

There are many aesthetic benefits to adding a Dadu or ADU on your property. Not only will it increase the value of your home, but it will also improve its curb appeal and make outdoor spaces more attractive.

Increased Property Value: According to a study by Zillow, homes with an attached guest house have an average value increase of $15,000 compared to those without one. This is because these additions add extra square footage that can be used as an income-generating rental property or Airbnb unit while still allowing owners access to their own living space when they need it (or don't want strangers coming through).

Improved Curb Appeal: Adding an ADU can help bring attention back into old neighborhoods where property values have declined due to disrepair or neglect over time--and since many homeowners are looking for ways not just improve their homes' overall appearance but also boost resale value later down the road when they're ready sell again!

Safety Benefits

Reduced risk of injury. A grandparent living in the same house as their grandkids is a great way to reduce the risk of injury, as they can keep an eye on them and help them avoid dangerous situations.

Increased security. Having your grandparents living nearby also increases home security by adding another set of eyes that are always watching over your property, whether it's during daylight hours or at night when no one else is around (like when you're sleeping). This can be especially helpful if there are children who go outside often--they'll be able to get help from their grandparents if something happens!

Improved emergency response time: Because many people don't want their parents living too far away from them, having a Dadu or ADU on your property means that emergency responders will have shorter distances between where they live now versus where they used to live before moving into this new space; this means less time spent driving back-and-forth between locations which could mean saving lives!

Legal Benefits

Compliance with zoning regulations. If you live in an area where ADUs are allowed, then they must comply with local zoning regulations. This means that your grandparent must be able to live in their Dadu without any major modifications or changes to the property (like adding an additional bathroom).

Easier access to legal assistance. If a problem arises and you need help navigating through it, having your grandparents living right next door will make this process much easier than if they were miles away or even across town! You'll also have someone who knows them well and can speak on their behalf if needed--this can be especially helpful if there's ever any confusion about what happened during an argument between the two parties involved!

Protection from eviction/eviction lawsuit threats: One benefit I didn't think about until recently was how having my grandparents living close by helps protect them against eviction lawsuits because now there's always someone here at home who could testify on their behalf if needed (which is why I highly recommend getting renters insurance).


As you can see, there are many benefits to having a Dadu or ADU on your property. It's a great way for grandparents to live close to their grandchildren, and it also allows them to have their own space without being alone.

If you're considering adding a Dadu/ADU on your property, here are some things to keep in mind:

Make sure the location is right for everyone involved--you'll want it close enough that family members can visit easily but far enough away so as not to bother anyone else who lives there (like if they're sleeping).

Talk about what kind of space would work best for the person moving in (i.e., whether they'd prefer separate rooms or sharing with another family member).

If needed, consider building onto an existing structure rather than starting from scratch; this will save money and time while still giving everyone what they need!


What to consider in ADU design


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